After being pinged by HotYoungSexyThang274 (hmm...that thang thing, maybe southern), a 22 year old female, curiosity got the best of me.
SixFootGlass1: Hi. Wazzappenin'? You rang?
HotYoungSexyThang274: Hi there sexy.
SixFootGlass1: That I am. What's on your mind?
HotYoungSexyThang274: Some hot action, that's what.
SixFootGlass1: and what kind of action might that be?
SixFootGlass1: wait, don't answer...I think I already know. Cam girl, right?
HotYoungSexyThang274: I'll be honest with you. I'm a cam girl but for the next 3 days we have a special running. With signup you can get unlimited access for 3 days. Your membership then goes month-to-month but you may cancel at any time.
SixFootGlass1: That sounds interesting. You are young right?
HotYoungSexyThang274: Uh-huh, I am 22 and I have a really hot, tight, little body that is just aching to be seen by you.
SixFootGlass1: Oh, I am sure your body is really nice but I was just wondering.
HotYoungSexyThang274: Oh, it is. Wondering what?
SixFootGlass1: Well, with your dancing, cam work or things that it entails are you skilled?
HotYoungSexyThang274: Yes I am. And I have a really hot body. Would you like to see?
SixFootGlass1: There might be time for that later. I'm sure your body is very nice. With your line of work do you find that you get better with more experience?
HotYoungSexyThang274: Why yes, as a matter of fact.
SixFootGlass1: That's true about most things in life. I have a cam too. We could video-conference, right?
HotYoungSexyThang274: Sure. We could do that.
SixFootGlass1: I'm just worried about one thing.
HotYoungSexyThang274: What's that.
SixFootGlass1: Well, I'm a little older and more experienced so you might enjoy it more than I.
HotYoungSexyThang274: Your joking.
SixFootGlass1: Well not really. In 23 more years you will catch up in experience and be even better.
HotYoungSexyThang274: But I'm a professional.
SixFootGlass1: and that is supposed to mean what? Good Housekeeping seal of approval?
HotYoungSexyThang274: I am a professional
SixFootGlass1: But I have more experience and if you enjoyed it then I might have to charge you.
HotYoungSexyThang274: I have a hot body.
SixFootGlass1: Well, so do I actually. No extra charge for super-sizing it either.
HotYoungSexyThang274: You aren't serious, are you?
SixFootGlass1: I am completely serious that...
HotYoungSexyThang274: that what?
SixFootGlass1: I am friends with your parents
HotYoungSexyThang274 has ended the chat session
I am again interrupted from my plaintive musings and writing by one FindMe86x, a 23 year-old male who according to his profile (one does have to take a quick peek for some context, right?) lives 3 miles from me, is gay and is looking for older men.
Oh me oh my. Well, he'll never go away unless I explain. This is the 10th ping I've gotten from him. Besides, I fancy myself an open-minded, urbane, sophisticated and worldly-wise male, I should be able to chat with anyone. I'd actually traded 3 lines with him one morning as I was rushing off to work. Just long enough to explain that, while I would chat with anyone, I am not gay but rather hopelessly...frustratedly heterosexual.
FindMe86x: hi
SixFootGlass1: Hi dude, howzitgoin?
FindMe86x: Need someone to be with tonight?
SixFootGlass1: Thanks but no thanks, but if I were in the market you'd be the first I'd call on.
FindMe86x: whats wrong don't you like me?
SixFootGlass1: No, it's not that.
FindMe86x: what is it. are you playing games with me?
SixFootGlass1: No. I don't play games. Well hardly, not without making the ground rules clear.
FindMe86x: i don't understand
SixFootGlass1: I'm not gay. I explained that the other day. Have you even read my profile? Where does it say I'm gay or even bi-curious?
FindMe86x: but your profile say you cried at movies. your writing is so sensitive. You indicated that you were a man's man.
SixFootGlass1: It did but if you just scrolled down a little bit more to the fact sheet you would read "straight." You'd also read up at the top about "Women, Groups or Couples (2 women) for Discreet Relationship or Erotic Chat or Email."
SixFootGlass1: My eyes do well up sometimes but I don't bawl! C'mon, even if you are gay you have to understand this. Didn't you cry in "Old Yeller" when they had to put Ol' Yeller down? I think every male got a little misty eyed over that. Besides women like men who are in touch with their emotions. The man's man reference does not mean...like, for sex. It means being bro's, goin' to titty bars (though I prefer calling them Gentlemen's Clubs) for booze and lap dances, boasting about sexual conquests with women, watching the Man Show, UFC and the military channel, tractor pull and NASCAR (if you live in the south)...that sort of shit.
FindMe86x: oh
SixFootGlass1: C'mon there cupcake don't be so crestfallen. There's someone for you out there. You'll find 'em.
FindMe86x: I know but it's just so hard sometimes.
SixFootGlass1: Buck up and be a trooper. If I meet any nice gay guys I'll send 'em your way.
FindMe86x: you will?
SixFootGlass1: You betcha. However, I am curious about one thing.
FindMe86x: yes
SixFootGlass1: Have you ever considered someone more your age? This older man thing just seems like it has the potential for confusion regarding parental authority. Has this been going on long? I mean is there something that happened way back being acted out?
FindMe86x has ended the chat session.
Poor FindMe. I actually felt a little sorry for him. I'm afraid that my attempts to mentor or disentangle alll of his undercurrents of unknown origin might be misconstrued. Sadly everyone cannot be saved.
I do hope he finds himself though, whatever that may be.
I'm conflicted. There's a fine line to walk between honesty and enablement. I'm not trying to be mean. It's an emotional wasteland out there and empathy is a rare commodity.
Should I try to be more caring and empathetic? It's all a matter of opinion though, isn't it? Who really wants help or even think they need it? How can sensitivity be shown when so much remains hidden and is not out on the table?
I'm drained. Maybe some TV...
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